
What Fitomics members are saying…

  • Improve Autoimmune Issues

    I’ve had issues and seen doctors for years for multiple autoimmune issues. After tons of tests and even more meds and procedures, I went to Fitomics. They listened to every issue I’ve had, looked at my labs from previous doctor visits, ran some new ones, and came up with a treatment plan that no other doctors had thought of because they were only looking at their specific specialties. That along with the nutrition and fitness plans they set me up with, have made me look the best I have ever looked, but more importantly FEEL the best I have ever felt. 100% would recommend!

    Amy H.

  • Become Lean And Strong At 46

    I feel very fortunate to have found Fitomics. Their comprehensive approach to fitness and healthcare, combining exercise, nutrition, and medicine, has helped me become my leanest, strongest, and fittest self at 46 years old.

    Dave H.

  • Break Barriers To Weight Loss

    Fitomics and the amazing staff have helped me push through barriers to losing weight and optimize my health overall. Every appointment I learn more about my body and healthy living. The tests and labs run gather information specific to me and guides us to informative decision making in areas of nutrition and exercise. This is not a one-size-fits-all approach.

    Abby S.

Compelling & Accurate Assessments

Our members are able to capture and track valuable data to reach their health, wellness, and body composition goals.
  • Direction And Support To Achieve Results

    I was given the direction, support and knowledge it takes to be able to compete and be in the best shape of my life. I could not have been able to get the results I was able to achieve if it weren’t for Cody. The programming and knowledge on fitness has helped me tremendously! I can not say thank you enough for the direction and the results! Thank you!!

    Dan S.

  • Hit New PRs

    I had previously been training without any coach for many years as I believed that with independent research I could get to where I wanted to be. However, after seeing my numbers plateau and my progress stall for far too long, I decided to get an online coach. I have received training and nutritional coaching from Cody for 5 months, focusing on mass building as I wanted to increase my overall size. Working with Cody has been a pleasure. What has impressed me most is his attention to detail. His microcycles are never the same, with varying sets and reps of each exercise to suit your goals, something I could never master on my own and I find it lifts my training to new levels. Despite not concentrating on PRs, all of my big three lifts have gone up. I intend to continue working with Cody and recommend him without reservation to anyone looking for a coach.

    Eddie C.

  • Comprehensive Approach for Older Women

    When I started at Fitomics a year ago, I was at my highest weight ever and was beginning to see weight-related health issues. Over the past 40 years, I had tried every diet plan out there but after some initial success, the pounds would always come back and go even higher. I was so frustrated and discouraged. I knew I couldn't continue on that trajectory. I am so thankful I heard about Fitomics and their science-based approach to health and wellness. The initial comprehensive evaluation helped identify specific areas for improvement. The combination of medical, nutritional and fitness guidance was instrumental in helping me lose weight and become more healthy. I have lost over 20 pounds and my blood pressure, cholesterol, and BMI have improved significant I still have a ways to go but have learned so much about my nutritional and exercise needs as an older woman. I have gained the knowledge and skills I need to continue on my journey to health and fitness. The comprehensive approach of high quality and compassionate medical care, as well as nutritional and fitness guidance provided the support I needed to improve my health. I highly recommend Fitomics for people who are seeking to improve their health through research-based, scientifically valid approaches.

    Jean S.

  • Kept Off Of Medications

    I have always been up and down with my weight. All the fad diets work at first but then I get bored with them or my body adjusts to them and they stop being effective. I’ve always tried to avoid carbohydrates and that’s just not healthy. Fitomics has taught me which foods to eat and which ones to avoid. They’ve also taught me when to eat them and how to adjust my exercise sessions around meals. The weight loss is a definite plus but Fitomics has helped me make other changes in my health which has kept me off medicines. I have also seen Fitomics help other people that I love make major advances in their health. I would definitely recommend Fitomics to anyone that has any health problem especially those related to food and weight issues.

    Gene B.

  • Cared About Me As a Whole Person

    Fitomics is the first group I've ever worked with that cared about me as a whole and didn't just treat me as another patient to get in and out. They were concerned with my entire well being and didn't just throw medications at me. They gave me more information than I've ever had, not only about myself but also how to make and maintain lifestyle changes.

    Anna P.

  • Feel Incredible and Have a Plan For the Future

    For years I have known something was off with me, and I went to my doctor for help, but nothing improved. After meeting with the team at Fitomics THE FIRST TIME, tests were chosen that identified inconsistencies in my health. The team put in place activity, nutrition, and medical guidance that has made me feel incredible, AND have a plan for the future. It’s easy to change your lifestyle when you have the tools and data to make those decisions with confidence.

    Morgan C.

Schedule a Discovery Call

  • Real Plan Instead Of Band-Aid For Problems

    Truly, I’m so thankful for you all. For the first time in my life, I feel confident that my overall health is in GREAT hands. Never felt more cared for by doctors! You guys having a real, detailed plan for helping people reach their goals instead of “band-aiding” all their problems is genius, genuine, and unheard of.

    Shae M.